Antioxidants are widely used and play major in processed meat and seafood indusries as a means to keep the taste, colour, and remain edible over a longer period. It's particularly important to avoiding oxidation of processed meat product. These natural antioxidants also exhibit a wide range of biological effect, including anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-atheroscleorsis, and anti-cancer.
Natural Antioxidant
Antioxidants serve a crucial role in the processed meat and seafood industries by preserving taste, color, and edibility over extended periods. Preventing oxidation is especially critical for processed meat products. These natural antioxidants offer diverse biological effects, encompassing anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-atherosclerosis, and anti-cancer properties.
Food colors are used to restore, enhance, and differentiate processed meat and seafood in a wide variety. In most cases, color it's a matter of preference. But, creating eye-catching products is key to standing out in an ever-growing market. Consumers are frequently attracted to the vibrancy, optimism, and boldness of bright colors. Currently, the use of food coloring is able to give value-added, such as technology or claim. So, don't hesitate to add as many colors as possible to your processed meat and seafood products. Odds are, it will benefit you!

Natural Color
Dehydrated Product
Dehydrated product is dry, lightweight, and nutrition-dense spices that produce using dehydration machine. The dehydration process retains a original nutritional value such as calorie, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and sugar contentas the fresh form. However, because dried, it's loses water content, usually smaller in size, and has more calories by weight. Dehydrated product can save your cost and speed up your processed meat and seafood production. Used dehydrated product to give basic taste modifier in your processed meat and seafood product.
Dehydrated Product Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Dehydrated Product Range
- Dehydrated Garlic Powder Toasted
- Dehydrated White Onion Powder
- Dehydrated Shallot Powder
- Dehydrated White Onion Powder Toasted
- Dehydrated Garlic Powder

Dehydrated Product
Hydrocolloids are substance which perform a number of functions, including thickening; gelling and binding; coating; and stabilisation. Hydrocolloid also play as water binders and texture modifying agent in processed meat and seafood products. They may be have potential as cryoprotectants to ensure long term stability of proteins during frozen storage. In most cases, you can combined with fiber or starch to give a better final texture for your processed meat and seafood products.
Hydrocolloids Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Premix Hydrocolloid
- Konjac Gum
- Xanthan Gum
- Guar Gum
Egg Powder
Egg powder is a pasteurized spray-dried product from fresh hen eggs. Egg powder can help to build better structur and texture of processed meat and seafood products. These also give a nutrition value as in proteint content.
Egg Powder Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Egg Albumen Powder Binding
- Egg Albumen Powder High Gel
Flavor enhancers are components that can strengthen the taste without giving a specific taste or aroma. It's also can improve the whole flavor without changing the profile. Commonly it's referred to as umami and kokumi components that contribute the addition of meaty or savory, salty, and sometimes sweet properties respectively. It's easy to use flavor enhancers to improve palatability rather than altering the intensity of other ingredients.
Flavor Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Monosodium Glumate
- Hydrolized Vegetatable Protein
- Yeast Extract

Perisa Alami
Rasa alami dinyatakan sebagai ekstrak dan/atau bahan kimia yang terjadi secara alami yang diperoleh hanya melalui proses alami yang dapat digunakan. Rasa alami lebih sering dipilih; namun, ekstraksi dan penyempurnaan bahan kimia aroma alami lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan yang dapat disintesis secara pabrik, yang seringkali mengakibatkan biaya yang lebih tinggi. Kami menawarkan berbagai jenis rasa alami dengan kelarutan yang berbeda (larut dalam minyak dan larut dalam air) dan berbagai bentuk (cairan dan bubuk) rasa alami
Enzyme is a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring a specific biochemical reaction in processed meat and seafood product. Enzymes used in meat are proteins that break down or modify other proteins or fats. They can be endogenous, meaning they are naturally present in the meat, or exogenous, meaning they are added from external sources. The used of enzyme give any impact in processed meat and seafood product such as repair lesions of protein tissues and create stable structure.
Enzyme Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Transglutaminase

Enzim adalah zat yang dihasilkan oleh organisme hidup yang bertindak sebagai katalis untuk memicu reaksi biokimia tertentu dalam produk daging olahan dan makanan laut. Enzim yang digunakan dalam daging adalah protein yang menguraikan atau mengubah protein atau lemak lainnya. Mereka dapat bersifat endogen, artinya secara alami ada dalam daging, atau eksogen, artinya ditambahkan dari sumber eksternal. Penggunaan enzim memberikan dampak pada produk daging olahan dan makanan laut seperti memperbaiki lesi jaringan protein dan menciptakan struktur yang stabil.
Extract or natural extract are component that limitless potential to applied to. The used of extract are delivering solution for appearance and organoleptics according to customers's requirements. These derived and extracted from a wide range of natural source including spices, herbs, flowers, and fruits. Quality of extract are depends on raw materials quality, agro climatic conditions, and extraction techniques. We offer you various type of extract, it's available in oil or water soluble in liquid or powder form.

Minyak esensial yang diapit atau dikeringkan semprot adalah bentuk serbuk dari cairan minyak esensial. Selama proses semprot kering, cairan minyak esensial dicampur atau diemulsikan dengan bahan pemikat dan pengemulsi (misalnya, maltodekstrin, gum akasia, pati termodifikasi) dan dimasukkan ke dalam nozzle di mana disemprotkan dengan tekanan tinggi dan segera menguapkan cairan menjadi padat. Lebih baik menggunakan minyak esensial yang diapit dalam penyedap dan bumbu yang memiliki kontak langsung dengan air panas atau minyak panas. Karena itu menghasilkan rasa yang lebih cepat dilepaskan. Sebagian besar minyak esensial yang diapit memiliki kandungan volatil yang lebih rendah daripada bentuk cair mereka. Karakteristik minyak esensial yang diapit:
Stabil dalam bentuk bubuk dan kurang mungkin teroksidasi atau terurai saat disimpan
Larut dalam air dan mudah larut dalam produk penyedap dan bumbu berbasis air.
Mudah dicampur dengan bahan kering lainnya.
Essential Oil
Preservative are food additives that play an important role in making processed meat and seafood last longer or taste better. Specifically, preservatives help to control and prevent the deterioration of food, providing protection against spoilage from micro-organisms (e.g., bacteria, yeast, moulds. Next to spoilage caused by micro-organisms, it can also be brought about by chemical (e.g., oxidation) or physical (e.g., temperature, light) factors.1 Preservatives are also used to prevent these types of spoiling reactions in order to prevent any alterations in foodstuff’s taste or, in some cases, their appearance (antioxidant function). Without the addition of a preservative, certain foods may turn rancid or change in colour. Ultimately, preservatives protect the quality of foods and beverages, reduce food cost, improve convenience, lengthen shelf-life, and reduce food waste.
Preservative Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Potassium Sorbate
- Lactic Acid

Seafood Powder
Seafood powders are natural seafood ingredients in powder form. All made from fresh raw materials, ready to be applied to a wide range of food products. Most likely seafood ingredients in seasoning and condiment. We do create custom blends to suit your desired tonalities and nutritional needs.
Seafood Powder Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Shrimp Powder
- Cuttlefish Powder
- Codfish Powder
- Tuna Powder
- Whitefish Powder
- Squid Powder
- Anchovy Powder
Seasoning Blend
Seasonings blend are well-rounded wholesome flavour of the ingredientsa that make the processed meat and seafood products delectable. They tend to amplify the sensory experience and help make the meal flawless. Today, a perfect dish is not complete without the right kind of accompaniments. Liquid seasonings for processed meat and seafood help standardize and expand the complete flavour spectrum of their ingredients. From enhancing colour to replicating complex flavour profiles, our liquid seasonings are used in diverse food applications. Extracted and formulated at our state-of-the-art facilities, they consistently deliver fresh aroma and impactful flavour.
Seasoning Blend Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Curry Powder Blend
- Sichuan Pepper Blend
- Noodle Masala
- Kimchi Blend
- Wasabi Seasoning Blend
Spices are whole, powdered, and even processed spices thatmeet global food safety standards. Our range of powdered and sterilised spices conform to the stringent European Commission directives for microbial load, pesticide residues, aflatoxin and other contaminants.
Spices Termasuk Kategori-Kategori Berikut
- Cleaning, de-stoning and color sorting
- Customized Blending Solution
- Paprika
- Steam Sterilization
- Packing
- Coriander
- Grinding and Crushing
- Private Labels ( Retail and Food Service)
- Blackpepper
- Roasting
- Chili
- Tumeric

Sweetners are food additives used to sweeten seasoning and condiment. Sweetners play an important role in particular seasoning and condiment. It's one of the key elements of taste, texture, colour, and processes. There are several good sweetner options and the answer to which is the best is subjective and depends on what your seeking.