Lactium: The Solution to Prevent Stroke in Young Age, How is It Possible?

Stroke is often associated with the old, but over the years, young people can also experience this disease. 




In today's era, the job choices favored by Generation Z vary widely. However, according to CNBC Indonesia's article titled "7 Most Promising Jobs for Gen Z, Not Civil Servants," it is noted that several of these jobs tend towards the digital and creative fields, which typically have flexible working hours.


To cope with the demands of their work and avoid stress, many young people consume fast food or easily prepared meals. CivicScience reports that Generation Z tends to consume fast food quite frequently. Around 26 percent of people eat at fast-food locations at least once a week, while 40 percent do so once a month. Furthermore, unhealthy eating habits are also common among them.

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However, an uncontrollable and unhealthy diet can trigger the onset of various diseases, including stroke, which can be fatal. 

This disease is often caused by poor eating habits. To prevent it, young people should learn to manage their diet even when facing flexible working hours and high work pressure.

Unhealthy and irregular eating habits can be compensated by consuming healthy and filling snacks like snack bars. These low-calorie foods have a surprising benefit and can reduce stress. This is because they contain Lactium, a protein found in milk that stimulates the production of melatonin which helps the body relax.

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Lactium has a sweet taste resembling sugar, making it suitable for young people who enjoy snacking. The ingredients in Lactium that help alleviate stress include Rice Glucose, Isomalt, Cranberry Flavor, Peanut Flavor, Guar Gum, Carmine Extract, Lactium, and Premix Vitamin Mineral. If you are interested, you can visit our website at

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