Copper Chlorophyl Extract

Copper chlorophyll extract is a derivative of chlorophyll that is modified to contain copper. It is commonly used as a food colorant in bakery and snack products. Copper chlorophyllin provides a green color to foods and is used to achieve shades of green that are more stable and vibrant compared to natural chlorophyll alone. It is often employed in products such as green-colored candies, chewing gums, or baked goods. Copper chlorophyllin is considered safe for consumption and is used to enhance the visual appeal of food items.

Copper chlorophyll extract is commonly used in the food industry as a natural colorant, imparting a bright green hue to various food products including baked goods, confectioneries, and snacks

Within food items, copper chlorophyll extract primarily serves as a natural dye, enhancing the visual appeal of the products without affecting their taste or flavor profiles.


Cold-dry Storage 

Well Ventilated Area

Protect from The Light 


20-25 kg/pale