Deskripsi Umum
How do you decide which shampoo and conditioner to purchase for yourself? Does a brand's ad help you make the decision, is it the reviews you read online, or do you go by the ingredients list? Yes, it is a good idea to inculcate the habit of reading labels of hair care products. At least, it is safer than blindly going by ads or reviews.
Shampoo is used to cleanse the scalp and hair of the oil secreted by the human body, sweat and dirt, cells shed from the scalp, as well as foreign dust, microorganisms, residues of styling products and bad odors, etc., to keep the scalp and hair clean and hair beautiful. Talk with us to list of ingredients in your shampoos and conditions that can turn out to be harmful in the long run.
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Ahli dalam Formulasi
Our Research and Development (R&D) team contributes to fulfilling customer needs by conducting research and innovation to produce the best formulations. Skilled human resources and advanced technology are supporting us in generating high-quality formulations. These capabilities are achieved through the application of five fundamental concepts.
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