Sweet Flavor
Karena karbohidrat sudah dikenal sebagai sumber utama bahan, rasa manis digunakan untuk meningkatkan dan memperkaya rasa akhir produk. Sering digunakan dalam permen butterscotch
Sweet flavors in confectionery, such as vanilla or caramel, are commonly added to candies and sweets to enhance the overall taste profile, providing a rich, pleasant sweetness.
In confectionery, sweet flavors serve to elevate the sweetness quotient, delivering a delightful taste that complements the confectionery product's overall flavor and aroma.
Sweet flavors, like honey or fruity essences, are often incorporated into chocolate to intensify the sweetness while adding depth and complexity to the chocolate's taste.
In chocolate, sweet flavors enhance the overall sweetness, contributing to a balanced taste profile and enriching the chocolate's flavor, making it more enjoyable for consumers.
Simpanan Dingin dan Kering
Area yang Terdapat Ventilasi Baik
Lindungi dari Cahaya
20-25 kg/pale