Pregnant Women Craving Food to Alleviate Anxiety

Pregnancy cravings can arise from various factors, including hormonal changes, heightened senses of smell and taste, and nutritional deficiencies.

Pregnant women experience distress or guilt over feeling anxious or panicked when societal expectations assume they should be joyful. However, anxiety is a mental health condition, not a sign of fragility. It's not something that will naturally disappear or that one can simply 'snap out of'.

As outlined in the article titled "An Overview of Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Period," anxiety affects 20-40% of pregnant women. To mitigate stress, various strategies are employed, and one of them includes consuming snacks.

Research from the journal article titled "Eating Behaviors and Dietary Patterns of Women during Pregnancy: Optimizing Universal Teachable Moment" indicates that 72% of pregnant women opt for consuming snacks.


Data: National Library of Medicine


Anxieties expressed through eating can have health implications, especially if the consumed foods are unhealthy. Hence, currently, there is a global shift towards healthier snacks that offer benefits.

According to Statista, the global market for healthy snacks reached 85.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2021 and is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 6.6 percent from 2022 to 2030. Consequently, the market will reach 152.3 billion U.S. dollars by the year 2030.



This increase certainly involves snacks or healthy foods that contain Lactium® within them. Lactium® is a milk protein hydrolysate that includes a bioactive decapeptide known for its calming properties.

The adult enzymatic system is no longer capable of releasing this bioactive peptide, which is why taking Lactium® provides a natural solution for relaxation.

However, some individuals also experience significant effects in stress reduction. Apart from undertaking 9 clinical studies with over 500 volunteers, Ingredia partnered with Mérieux Nutrisciences in 2021 to carry out a Lactium consumer satisfaction study.




Anxiety and worries frequently affect pregnant women. Their coping mechanism tends to involve food or snacks. Meanwhile, the current market indicates a continuous rise in the consumption trend of healthy snacks. Just as consuming snacks in general can induce a sense of calmness, the same applies to snacks containing Lactium® due to their calming effects. It allows pregnant women to alleviate their worries. Through the ingredients we possess, we can assist suppliers and customers in creating quality products, promoting community well-being, and reducing stress.

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