Does Pollution Cause Stress? Surprisingly, This Sweet Food Can Be the Solution

The pollution matter continues to affect the capital city and several other regions in Indonesia, such as South Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor, Depok, Surabaya, and others. The air being breathed is unhealthy due to the poor air quality caused by pollution. On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 10:00 AM WIB, Indonesia made it into the top 10 cities with the worst air pollution, and the country with the worst pollution levels in Southeast Asia.

Pollution comes from various factors, including power plants and vehicle exhaust fumes. As a result, the population suffers from exposure to respiratory diseases. However, the effects of pollution can also lead to other conditions.

Besides that, pollution not only has negative impacts on physical health but also affects mental health.

This was demonstrated by a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America in November 2021. The research explained how air pollution can lead to changes in brain circuits in individuals with a genetic predisposition to depression. These circuits are responsible for key functions often associated with depression, such as logical thinking and emotional processing.

Furthermore, neuroscientists from the Lieber Institute for Brain Development and Peking University, Beijing, have conducted research revealing that individuals with a genetic predisposition are more likely to experience depression, especially when exposed to high levels of air pollution.

To mitigate these effects, a simple solution is consuming food. Snack bars containing Lactium are a suitable option. Lactium® is a milk protein hydrolysate that contains alpha-capsazepine (S1-Cn (f91-100)), a decapeptide with relaxation properties. Lactium® is derived from the trypsin hydrolysis of casein alpha S1, the primary protein in milk.



According to a survey of Ingredia and BioMerieux, the public is quite satisfied with the positive effects of Lactium in reducing stress. It is noted that after 30 days of consuming Lactium, the stress levels of 78 percent of consumers have decreased.


So, when stressed, consuming a snack bar can be beneficial. Not only does it satiate hunger, but it can also alleviate depression, particularly in situations of severe air pollution. Here is the formulation: rice glucose, isomalt, cranberry flavor, peanut flavor, guar gum, carmine extract, Latium, and vitamin-mineral premix.

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