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Full of Vitamin E

Sweet Almond Oil can also be processed to improve hair health. Vitamin E in sweet almond oil plays a vital role in preventing hair loss by improving cutaneous microcirculation.

Vitamin E also plays an essential role in preventing hair loss, since cutaneous microcirculation is improved due to its protective activity on membrane lipids at a vessel level. This enhances nutrient intake and facilitates the elimination of the resulting catabolites from skin metabolism.

Mechanism of Work

Vitamin E accelerates microcirculation in veins and arteries, facilitating their decongestion, preventing hair loss, and recovering dystrophic cells in the hair bulb. 

It has also been verified that vitamin E is directly absorbed by the hair cortex, protecting the scalp against excessive heat and dryness, and against combing breakage and chemical treatments.


Full of Linoleic Acid

The deficit in essential fatty acids has important effects on hair metabolism, as it leads to skin manifestations such as dermatitis, baldness, and hair depigmentation. However, these symptoms can be reversed with the topical application of linoleic acid-rich oils.

The use of linoleic acid can result in a deficiency of essential fatty acids, along with associated skin manifestations. However, these conditions were reversed after a 21-day topical treatment.