PT SML and Luvtrip Promote Rapid Advancement of Two Tourist Villages in Central Java

Metro Times (Purworejo) — PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk, in partnership with PT Temu Ruang Inovasi (Luvtrip), is pushing for the rapid development and growth of two tourist villages in Central Java. These villages are Somongari Tourism Village in Kaligesing Subdistrict, Purworejo Regency, and Lerep Tourism Village in West Ungaran Subdistrict, Semarang Regency.

Various efforts have been underway since May 2024. Not only are tourism awareness groups (Pokdarwis) involved, but also small and medium enterprise (SME) owners and homestay managers are targeted for capacity building. The primary goal is to enable the community to advance and become self-sufficient in managing tourism and its potential to achieve sustainable prosperity through this sector.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk, Siu Min, stated that the initiatives are part of a local economic empowerment program aimed at developing the potential of the communities in these two villages.

Empowerment is carried out through training, capacity building, and education focusing on entrepreneurship/SME development and homestay management.

The activities, conducted from April to September 2024, aim to enhance the competitiveness and productivity of local businesses through the Integrated Community Development (ICD) program. Additionally, the activities integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in both villages.

Siu Min emphasized that PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk adheres to the principle of 'Benefiting Others,' which means providing benefits to many people.

“Our vision is very simple yet prominent, which is to benefit many people. This vision is the foundation for our actions and decisions. It ensures that our company prioritizes employees, customers, the community, and the sustainability of the environment on this planet,” he said.

Supported by Luvtrip, PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk assists SMEs and community-owned accommodations in Somongari and Lerep Villages to grow in terms of income and business capacity.

This is achieved by helping residents obtain licenses and certifications, including Business Identification Numbers (NIB), Food Safety Certification (PIRT), product innovation, product catalog design, product packaging, and homestay standards. The program also includes training in effective communication, financial literacy, digital marketing, and basic product photography techniques.

The process to realize these goals includes identification, planning, training, and implementation, ensuring that the strategies applied work well and have a significant impact.

The identification or assessment process was carried out through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) from May 8-12, 2024. This activity involved local SMEs and homestay owners, totaling 56 participants.

This was followed by training in entrepreneurship, product innovation, and digital marketing. The provided lessons can be directly practiced as several local SMEs have already obtained NIB, PIRT, and product catalog designs.
This initiative, which focuses on good environmental, social, and governance practices, is expected to have a significant impact, particularly in increasing community income and business sustainability. The community is also expected to be able to implement sound business strategies to achieve sustainability.