Milk Based Protein
Bahan protein berbasis susu kami kaya akan bahan-bahan bioaktif. Sejak tahun 1990-an, banyak protein aktif dari susu ditemukan memiliki banyak fungsi unik dalam produk nutrasetikal. Proses pembuatan bahan fungsional berbasis susu ini seringkali melibatkan hidrolisis dengan peralatan teknologi tinggi. Persentase bioaktif juga diukur secara akurat dengan HPLC.
Acidity Regulatory
Regulasi keasaman adalah salah satu agen pengendalian pH yang digunakan untuk mengubah atau menjaga pH (keasaman atau kebasaan). Ini juga berperan sebagai modifikasi rasa yang memberikan rasa asam pada produk minuman dan produk susu Anda.
Food colors are used to restore, enhance, and differentiate beverages and dairies in a wide variety. In most cases, color it's a matter of preference. But, creating eye-catching products is key to standing out in an ever-growing market. Consumers are frequently attracted to the vibrancy, optimism, and boldness of bright colors. Currently, the use of food coloring is able to give value-added, such as technology or claim. So, don't hesitate to add as many colors as possible to your beverage and dairy products. Odds are, it will benefit you!
Nutrition and Enrichment
Nutrition and Enrichment: Nutrition and enrichment are components that have had vitamins, minerals, or other nutrition elements added to beverage and dairy products. The enrichment process added natural nutrition elements or being fortified
The flavor is a mixture of aroma-chemical molecules that is not intended to be consumed in concentrated form but is used within a food product. The use of flavor in beverage and diary applications are to boost weak intrinsic flavor, to impart flavor to an otherwise bland product, and to mask or disguise unwanted character. In the United States, the flavor is divided into natural flavor and artificial flavor but in Europe, it is divided into artificial flavor, natural flavor, and Natural FTNF (From the Named Fruit).
Natural Flavor
Herbal Extract
The herbal extract is a standardized herbal extract that has one or more components present in a specific, guaranteed amount, usually expressed as a percentage. It's derived from selected finest herbs. Whether used as flavor enhancers or food preservatives, these herb extracts offer a wealth of nutritional benefits. Our nutraceutical herbal extract range: Basil extract Lavender extract Laurel extract Mint extract Oreganum extract rosemary extract Sage extract Thyme extract
Sweeteners are food additives used to sweeten seasoning and condiments. Sweeteners play an important role in particular seasonings and condiments. It's one of the key elements of taste, texture, color, and processes. There are several good sweetener options and the answer to which is the best is subjective and depends on what you seeking.

Pemanis Buatan
Pemanis buatan adalah senyawa kimia atau bahan tambahan makanan yang berasal dari bahan alami seperti herba, buah, atau buah beri. Pemanis buatan berfungsi sebagai pengganti gula dalam minuman dan produk susu. Mereka sering kali lebih manis daripada gula alami, kadang-kadang hingga beberapa ribu kali lebih manis.<\/p>"}