The Most Favored Food Ingredients for When Workouts Are Too Intense!

There are many approaches people take when on a diet. Some reduce their intake of carbohydrates and sweets, while others engage in high-intensity workouts.

According to the research organization IPSOS in 2021, 52% of people globally would exercise more and eat more healthily. It indicates that exercise is a primary option for weight loss.

However, intense workouts can lead to soreness after exercising. An article titled "DOMS: Why do your muscles hurt days after exercise?" published by the University of Delaware explains that soreness is a typical and often expected side effect of any moderate physical activity or exercise level.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) typically develops between 12-14 hours after muscle contractions end, with peak soreness experienced 24-72 hours after the exercise.

One effective way to manage this is by using supplements containing Rhuleave-K®.

What is Rhuleave-K®?

Rhuleave-K® is a formulation combined with turmeric, Boswellia, and Black sesame oil using the patent-pending SPEEDTECH®. It creates a powerful combination that maintains the efficacy of its components. This technology distributes its components uniformly using a unique matrix formula to ensure accurate dosage and faster action.

Rhuleave-K® alleviates pain through a holistic approach and is free from side effects such as stomach, heart, liver, and kidney issues. It has been proven safe even at high dosages and offers synergistic antioxidant activity.

Rhuleave-K® is a clinically proven pain support formulation that provides immediate relief from joint and muscle soreness.



Health Benefits of Rhuleave-K®

Rhuleave-K® offers other main benefits:

Reduced Inflammation

The potent actives in Rhuleave-K® quickly reduce joint inflammation caused by exercise.

Here are the effects of Rhuleave-K® that can provide a solution for those who rarely exercise if they experience muscle pain.

Overcoming Headaches

It turns out that Rhuleave-K® can be used for all types of pain, including headaches, benefiting from the powerful, long-lasting relief that Rhuleave-K® offers.

Here are the effects of Rhuleave-K® that can provide a solution for those who rarely exercise if they experience muscle pain.

For those interested in learning more about the raw materials used or requesting the formulation, you can inquire on our website at or visit our Instagram account @ptsml_indonesia. #ptsmlIndonesia #rawmaterial #foodingredients #Rhuleave-K® #workout #specialtychemicaldistributor #foodingredientsdistributor #personalcaredistributor