Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients 2023: The Momentum of Innovative Trends in Personal Care

Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients (ICI) 2023, a platform for showcasing new trends and innovations in the personal care industry, was held on June 7-8, 2023, at Grand City Mall in Surabaya. The event featured exhibitions and promotions by distributors and suppliers, introducing raw materials to customers. Moreover, ICI 2023 aimed to provide information about emerging market trends and innovations in the cosmetic and personal care field.



Similar to the previous year's event, the presence of suppliers was not limited to raw materials but also packaging development and improvement, as well as manufacturing technology. Through this event, the networking opportunities between cosmetic manufacturers and suppliers were expected to be enhanced.

Organized by the Indonesian Cosmetics Association (Perkosmi) of East Java, the event consisted of approximately 130 booths. One of these booths was filled by PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo (SML), a specialty chemical distributor, located at booth 5. With a network of suppliers spanning many countries, SML played a crucial role as a distributor capable of providing high-quality raw materials to customers.

During the event, SML and the esteemed supplier Provital hosted a "Beauty Trends Around the World" seminar, delving into the prevailing trends in the global cosmetic and personal care industry. Additionally, three other suppliers, City Flower, Iwase Cosfa, and K.S Pearl, actively participated in the event by sharing their insights on beauty trends through interactive discussions with the attending customers. This informative session proved immensely valuable for the customers, offering them valuable insights into potential opportunities and innovative product ideas that can bring benefits to the community.

The ever-changing market trends that dynamically evolve each year have changed dynamically. However, the presence of suppliers alongside SML enabled the creation of formulations tailored to meet customer preferences. The hope is through ICI Surabaya 2023, the personal care industry can stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in raw materials, especially in specialty chemicals.