Do Natural Sweeteners Still Make You Happy?

Fun’ will be a key theme to connect with Indonesian consumers who continue to be challenged by economic recessions and the rising cost of living. Mintel Global Consumer research shows that one-third (33%) of Indonesians say their financial situation is okay but do not have a lot left by the time the basics are taken care of. Despite financial constraints, consumers’ sentiments towards adventure and playfulness remain strong in the last three years through September 2022.

During the Mintel Big Conversation event in Jakarta, the market intelligence firm’s experts provided insights and forecast on how Indonesian consumers’ demands for food and drink as well as beauty and personal care will evolve from now to what’s next for the subsequent few years ─ indicating brands will need to convince and convey the value of their products that is centered on ‘fun’ among increasingly price-conscious consumers.

There is a lot of food that can make your heart and soul happy. One of them is sweet food that contains sugar inside. It has been found that sugar triggers release of the feel-good chemical, dopamine in the brain. Eating a lot of sugar results in high levels of dopamine in the brain, this might be one reason why we crave sweet foods when stressed or after a shock. 

The United States is the biggest consumer of sugar on the globe. According to sources, the country's per capita sugar consumption is 126.4 grams daily. That translates to more than ten times the lowest recommended intake of 11 grams per day. According to health scientists, a significant percentage of this sugar is contained in these Americans' foods and beverages.

Not only for Americans, Indonesians also like something kind of sweet. According to The Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, revealed that based on the data, it turned out that 28.7 percent of Indonesians consumed sugar, salt, and fat (GGL) in excess of the recommended limit.

This data is strengthened by Statista of their survey on sweet snack purchase in February 2022, about 38.4 percent of Indonesian respondents stated that they had purchased biscuits and cake in the week prior to the survey. Fruits were also among the most bought sweet snacks, with around 31.2 percent of the respondents purchasing them.So, we can say that Indonesians have a desire to consume sugar to make them happier. 

But, consuming too much sweet food is not good for your health. Eating too much sugar can contribute to people having too many calories, which can lead to weight gain.Being overweight increases your risk of health problems such as heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, there are many sugar substitutes that are healthy and tasty alternatives to refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners.

Natural sweeteners can actually provide nutrients and therefore boost health. One of those commodities is stevia. 

Stevia is a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It’s about 100 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar, but it has no carbohydrates, calories, or artificial ingredients.

Not everyone likes the way it tastes. Some people find it bitter, but others think stevia tastes like menthol. Try it in your morning coffee or sprinkled over your oatmeal to see if you like the taste.

This commodity is natural, unlike other sugar substitutes. It’s made from a leaf related to popular garden flowers like asters and chrysanthemums.In South America and Asia, people have been using stevia leaves to sweeten drinks like tea for many years.Look for stevia in powder or liquid form in supermarkets and health-food stores. You’re likely to find it on the baking goods aisle or in the health food aisle.

There are many benefits if you choose stevia over sugar. Research has shown that stevia sweeteners do not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the diet. They have also demonstrated no effect on blood glucose or insulin response. This allows people with diabetes to eat a wider variety of foods and comply with a healthful meal plan.

Another review of five randomized controlled trials compared the effects of stevia on metabolic outcomes with the effects of placebos. The study concluded that stevia showed minimal to no effects on blood glucose, insulin levels, blood pressure, and body weight.

In one of these studies, subjects with type 2 diabetes reported that stevia triggered significant reductions in blood glucose and glucagon response after a meal. Glucagon is a hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood, and the mechanism that secretes glucagon is often faulty in people with diabetes.Glucagon drops when blood glucose climbs. This regulates the glucose level.

And then, Stevia also contains no sugar and very few, if any, calories. It can be part of a well-balanced diet to help reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste. 

So, this shows us that natural sweeteners like Stevia can replace sugar. If you want to consume something sweet but maintain your healthy life, you can consume these ingredients:  Collagen, Mango Fla 65611, Mango Juice Powder FI012803N, Curcumin Powder, FI012803N, Curcumin Powder NC2061, Lemon Juice Powder FI013370N, Xanthan Gum,Proferrin, Ascorbic Acid.